Mohamed (PM L1-P1-1)
Simon Wu
Simon Wu (PM L1-P3-1)Stroke 5W1H
Know the facts & statistics about stroke. Help yourself, help others.
Sally Ma
Sally Ma (DL L1-P3-2)
Our Choice
Why does everyone knowing something make it right?
Jeff Xu
Jeff Xu (DL L2-P2-1)How to Improve Communication
Amy Li
Amy Li (DL L3-P2-1) Focus on positive.
Focus on the positive and replace the negative thoughts.
时间 · Meeting Time:
Jan. 24, 2021 14:00 – 16:00
2020年1月24日14:00 – 16:00
地点 · Meeting Location:
Tai Lake Hall, 17th Floor,
Building 1, Linghui Square,
Suzhou Industrial Park
加入我们 · Join Us:
About the Club 关于dg真人游戏平台俱乐部
Changeway Bilingual Toastmasters Club with a vision to provide a platform for practicing both communication skills and leadership skills for members of the project management community and beyond.
We are committed to a mission of Service, Unity and Value in helping club members pursue excellence on and off stage.
As a bilingual club, we deliver on our vision and mission through weekly meetings alternating between the Chinese and English languages featuring impromptu speeches known as table topics, prepared speeches, effective evaluation and feedback.
In addition, all members benefit from the unique learning experience under the Toastmasters' Pathways education system.
400 880 5680